Permanently Stop Rust and Corrosion - for Long-Lasting TOTAL PROTECTION!
TP Tools® Total Protection RUST COVER PAINT is a single-component, high-solids paint specifically formulated to bond to rusted and corroded metal surfaces right out of the can. RUST COVER forms a rock-hard finish that's flexible, nonporous, and will not crack, chip, flake, or peel. No hardeners or activators needed. Simply degrease product, wire-brush loose rust and scale, and apply a minimum of two coats of RUST COVER PAINT. Can be brushed or sprayed. Brush marks simply disappear.
RUST COVER Contains the Highest Solids compared to other competitive brands (77% solids compared to 71%). The higher-solid formula gives you better coverage, durability, and UV resistance for long-lasting Total Protection - a RUST COVER exclusive.
RUST COVER is so Strong and Durable that it is completely unaffected by salt, gasoline, oils, battery acids, hydraulic fluids, solvents, chemicals, or corrosives. It is the perfect paint for protecting frames, undercarriages, chassis components, or any metal surface that you want to seal and protect from rust appearing or reappearing.
RUST COVER PAINT can Easily be Top Coated or Primed once fully cured. Simply wet-sand cured paint with 600 grit sandpaper, then top coat with any high-quality automotive finish. Top coating is only necessary if a different color is desired.
RUST COVER has a 4-Year Shelf Life - longest in the industry. Fully cures in 48 to 72 hours. Apply minimum of two coats. Second coat should be applied when first coat is tacky. Clean up with RUST COVER REDUCER or general-purpose lacquer thinner. Keep off hands; wear gloves. When spraying, thin 10%.
Quart. Gloss Black - Most popular for frames, floorboards, undercarriages, trunk areas, inside fenders. 1 qt covers 100 sq ft. Made in USA.
Respiratory Protection is required when painting. Not included.