A long-lasting moisture-cured clear coat, designed to add body, depth, and rich gloss to any existing top coat.
Guaranteed never to yellow or crack. Can also be used as a standalone sealant for high weather areas such as wood, concrete, porcelain, or on bare metals like chrome or aluminum. DiamondFinish Clear is very durable due to over 60% high solid content, remains permanently flexible. Single-part formula does not require an activator or hardener. Can be brushed, rolled, or sprayed and will always have excellent flow out. Also chemical resistant against acids or any type of fuel. Perfect for aluminum wheels, fuel tanks, fittings, chrome, aluminum, plastic, or direct-to-metal applications. DiamondFinish Clear Coat will cure without heat or UV lights in temperatures from 50° to 86°F. Made in USA.
Quart. Gloss Clear.
Respiratory Protection is required when painting. Not included.